Staying Connected
Clear, open and positive communication is very important within the Mount Mee State School Community. We strive to keep our community up to date through many processes.
Types of Communication
| Purpose |
| Reminders, parent information, celebrations. This is a great place to visit to get an idea of the culture of our school. |
Fortnightly newsletters
| Calendar, news, parent support, celebration.
Daily Communiques via email | News and reminders |
SMS Text messages | Emergency information, reminders |
Term Newsletters | Class information regarding curriculum, routine and processes |
Homework sheets | These align with the Mount Mee State School Homework Policy. They will differ to meet the needs of individual students and different year levels. |
Emails and Phone calls | Sharing or seeking of information regarding student wellbeing- academic, social and emotional. Reminders. |
Parent teacher interviews
| Formally scheduled 2 times a year. Parents and teachers can seek extra opportunities to discuss progress. Respectfully this is by appointment and agreement. |
Report Cards
| Two times, a year report cards describing effort, achievement and wellbeing are sent home for parents. |
Notes | Notes are usually permission notes for special event.
Communication Flow Charts
To support our community we have created flow charts for ways to communicate in a clear, open and positive.
We value your feedback. Please share ideas for improvement or your congratulations for a job well done.